by Lev Lazukov

Physical theater
actor, choreographer, director, musician and a teacher
about the course
Stanislavsky Technique course, aimed at achieving an advanced etude self-awareness within the «Justified Silence» section.

This course is for those who:
  • has no experience in Acting
  • wants to find discover something new
  • is just curios :)

What this course is about?
The basis of the course is presented by concentration exercises, imagination exercises and improvisation master classes. The difficulty of the course will be increasing eventually, bringing the students closer to the stage performance of their feelings.

about the teacher

Actor, choreographer, director, musician and a teacher.
Alumni of Perm State Institute of Culture, class of V. Uzun
Master’s degree in Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute.
A nominee of the «Golden Mask»

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